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AUTOlab is a transportation research center within the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tel Aviv University. The lab conducts application-oriented research aimed at creating decision-support tools for transportation system planning. Our researchers develop and employ data analytics and operations research techniques to solve the complex optimization problems necessitated by emerging technologies and business models, such as innovative public transit, last-mile transportation, vehicle sharing systems and on-demand transportation based on autonomous vehicles.



Research at AUTOlab stands on four pillars:

  • studying and understanding existing or planned real world transportation systems and services

  • analyzing real world big-data obtained from transportation systems and services

  • developing data-driven mathematical models and simulation models of such systems

  • developing optimization techniques tailored for the studied services/planning problems

Latest Publications

 Decision Making for Basketball Clutch Shots: A Data Driven Approach

In this 2023 paper to be published in the Journal of Sports Analytics, we study how coaches should choose players who will take game-decisive shots (‘clutch shots’). We consider a variety of policies for choosing the shot-taker (for example, according to field goal percentage). Then, we compare the policies and rank them to create a policy hierarchy, which serves as a decision guide for the coach. 

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